Learning Objectives for Core Skills: Advanced Training Series in Emotionally Focused Therapy

Welcome to the Core Skills Advanced Training in Emotionally Focused Therapy.  This training consists of a series of modules aimed to develop your skills as an EFT Therapist.  In this small group setting, you will deepen your understanding of EFT and interventions through video review, didactic presentation and discussion, experiential exercises, observation of live sessions, and small group work.

There will be an opportunity for participants to get feedback on videos of their own work with clients. Bringing your own video to view is necessary to meet the Core Skills requirement for completion of the course. 

Attendance of the series in its entirety meets the ICEEFT course requirement when applying for Certified EFT Therapist designation. 

The only outstanding requirement for certification after attending Core Skills training is eight hours of individual supervision.

Please see below for a detailed list of Learning Objectives for each Module of Core Skills.



  • Practice EFT interventions in establishing strong therapeutic alliance.

  • Practice Essential EFT Clinical Skills of Reflections, Attachment Frame, and Validation.

  • Explain the importance of conducting individual attachment histories in EFT.

  • Apply EFT skills in the assessment of partners’ attachment histories

  • Apply EFT skills in the assessment of negative interaction patterns.

  • Explain EFT practices in the assessment of contraindications for couple therapy

  • Demonstrate EFT interventions used to process secondary emotional responses

  • Demonstrate EFT interventions used to access and reflect cognitive appraisals.

  • Demonstrate EFT interventions used to track and process couple conflict

  • Explain the systemic focus in Move 1 of the “Tango”

  • Describe the 5 moves of the Tango

  • Describe the importance of integrating “self-of-the therapist” work in the learning and practice of EFT.



  • Apply EFT practices to process a couples negative patterns using attachment themes

  • Demonstrate EFT interventions used to track and reframe negative emotional responses

  • Demonstrate EFT interventions used to expand primary emotional responses

  • Demonstrate EFT interventions used to reframe negative emotional responses in the context of attachment themes and history

  • Identify 5 essential components of emotional experience

  • Practice EFT Skills to assemble and organize emotional experience

  • Demonstrate EFT skills to set up enactments

  • Identify the 5 moves of the EFT “Tango”

  • Practice the 5 moves of the EFT Tango

  • Assess the markers of de-escalation in the process of EFT therapy



  • Describe the process of Withdrawer Re-Engagement

  • Describe the themes of the inner world of individuals with more avoidant attachment strategies

  • Describe the difference between Stage 1 and Stage 2 EFT work in terms of the function of working with primary emotional experiencing

  • Describe EFT methods for working with attachment affect in Stage 2 of EFT

  • Practice EFT Clinical Skills of heightening Emotional Experiencing

  • Apply EFT methods for working with attachment affect to elicit internal working models (View of Self / View of Other)

  • Demonstrate a clear enactment in Stage 2 Withdrawer Re-Engagement

  • Apply EFT methods to promote acceptance by the partner

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the difficulties in addressing strong emotions

  • Practice EFT interventions to set up enactments to ask for attachment needs to be met.



  • Describe the Pursuer Softening Process.

  • Describe themes associated with the inner world of individuals with an anxious attachment strategy.

  • Describe markers for when to move into the pursuer softening event.

  • Describe the “mini-map” of Pursuer softening.

  • Describe the process of “Shoring up the Withdrawer”

  • Practice EFT Skills in heightening Primary Attachment Fears

  • Apply EFT methods for working with attachment affect to elicit internal working models (View of Self / View of Other)

  • Demonstrate a clear enactment in Stage 2 Pursuer Softening

  • Utilize EFT interventions to set up an enactment for attachment needs to be met.


Module 5 is the culmination of your hard work and training.  It is dedicated to participant's clinical case consultation, video presentation and supervision, and consolidating your learning over the course of the training series

For completion of Core Skills, it is required by ICEEFT that you present (with client’s consent) an example of your work in Emotionally Focused Therapy.  Although we know this can be anxiety provoking for many, it is more often than not the unexpected favorite module for all participants!  

We work hard to cultivate a safe and supportive environment for everyone to get the most out of this supervisory experience and to support each other in their learning.



Module 1: 9:30- 5:00 Both Days


9:30 – 12:30    Welcome and Orientation

                        EFT Learning Journey / Self Critic

                        Alliance and Attunement

                        Skills Practice

12:30-1:30      Lunch

1:30 – 5:00     Assessment                        

Intro to the EFT Process Model

      Tracking the Cycle

Summary and Q and A

DAY 2:

9:30 – 12:30    Assembling Emotion

Clinical Skill Practice

12:30 – 1:30    Lunch                                                                                      

1:30 – 5:00     Clinical Session Live Review  

Working with escalation

Summary and Q and A

Module 2: 9:30- 5:00 Both Days


9:30-12:30      Overview and Orientation to the module

                        EFT Learning Journey / Self of the Therapist

                        Review of Tracking the Cycle (Systemic Elements)

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch

1:30 – 5:00    Working with Emotion in Stage 1

                       Clinical Skills / Interventions to Access, Organize, Engage Emotion

                       Skills Practice

                       Summary and Q and A


9:30–12:30      Enactments

                        How to set up Enacments

                        How to process Enactments

                        When Enactments are not received

 12:30-1:30      Lunch

1:30 – 5:00      Clinical Video Review

Skills Practice of Assembling and Engaging Emotion

Setting up and Processing Enactments

Summary and Q and A 

Module 3: 9:30- 5:00 Both Days   


9:30 – 12:30  Orientation and Overview of the Module

                        Self of the Therapist / EFT Learning Journey

                        Review of Stage 1 Concepts

                        Markers of De-escalation

                        Overview of Distinctions in Working In Stage 1 and Stage 2

12:30– 1:30    LUNCH

1:30 – 5:00    The inner world of the Avoidant Attachment Style

                        Accessing and Distilling Working Models

                        Clinical Video Review of Withdrawer Engagement

                        Q and A


9:30 – 12:30  Didactic on WD-R process and eliciting working models

Overview of the WD-R process (steps 5-7)

Clinical Skills/Interventions to Elicit Working Models

Clinical Video Review

 12:30-1:30     Lunch

1:30 – 5:00    Skills Practice Session

                        Accessing and Enacting Attachment Needs

Processing the “Reach”: The Corrective Emotional Experience

Summary and Q and A

Module 4: 9:30- 5:00 Both Days  

9:30-12:30     Welcome, Check In, Overview of the Module

                        Self of the Therapist / Inner Critic in the Learning Journey

                        Review Stage 2 Goals and Processes: Withdrawer Engagement Review

                        Overview of Pursuer Softening

12:30-1:30     Lunch

 1:30 – 5:00    Understanding the Inner world of the Anxious Attachment Style

                        Clinical Interventions to distill Working Models

                        Clinical Interventions to Heighten Emotional Experiencing

                        Clinical Video Review

                        Skills Practice


9:30 – 12:30 Clinical Video Review

                      Skills Practice in Pursuer Softening – enactments

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch

1:30 – 5:00    Clinical interventions to access Attachment Needs

                        Enactments of Attachment Needs

                        Redefining relational processes as secure

                        Summary and Q and A