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Healing Shattered Attachment: Trauma and EFT

From the Minnesota Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy:

Michael Barnett
and Silvina Irwin will be teaching us how to work with trauma in EFT on April 8th and 9th, 2022. Starting at 9am, you have the opportunity to log into Zoom to connect with others. The training will start at 9:30am and go until 5pm both days (central time).

Bonus opportunity! On May 20th, Michael and Silvina will be back for a half day of trauma supervision where 3 lucky participants can bring a video of their couple to get feedback from Michael and Silvina. Starting at 8:30am, you can log into Zoom to connect with others. Supervision will take place from 9a-1p (central time).

All three days will be held over ZOOM.

Cost: Prices will go up on February 1st, 2022. These prices are the EARLY BIRD prices.

Fully licensed Professionals: $300 ($260 for MNCEFT Members)

Pre-licensed Practitioners: $200 ($185 for MNCEFT Members)

Graduate Students: $150 ($135 for MNCEFT Members)

Prerequisites: This is a Master’s Class and content will be taught at an advanced level. We welcome anyone who has completed the basic EFT Externship and Core Skills (or are in the process of completing Core Skills) to attend.

CEU’s: We have applied for CEU’s through the Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy. for 12 CEU’s for April 8th and 9th, 2022. 4 CEU’s for May 20th. Once this is confirmed, we’ll update this. We will only be offering CEU’s for the Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy so if you’re interested in obtaining CEU’s through a different board, please inquire with the other Board.

April 4

Leaning Into EFT: George Faller

April 11

Trainer Office Hours