Friday - Saturday 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM (with a one hour lunch break)
Core Skills Advanced Training is a series of modules aimed to develop your skills as an EFT Therapist. In this small group setting, you will deepen your understanding of EFT and interventions through video review, didactic presentation and discussion, experiential exercises, observation of live sessions, and small group work.
The training consists of five 2-day workshops, facilitated by ICEEFT Certified Trainers Silvina Irwin and Michael Barnett and supported by a team of Advanced EFT Therapists. Each day will contain instruction according to the guidelines set by the International Centre for Excellence in EFT.
This Advanced Core Skills Training is for Psychologists, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists and students in those fields. A four-day Externship in EFT is required for Core Skills Training.